Nettie, Nana and Friends
a New Jersey-based puppet company founded by Ronnette Smith-Powell that specializes in puppet shows, parties, and live performances for children of all ages.
Ronnette Smith-Powell of New Jersey. She is a kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade educator impacting her students in more ways than one. With a passion to teach young students for over 25 years, it’s evident that she has been an inspiration to countless children through knowledge and engagement. During the Covid-19 pandemic, she found new ways to connect with her students including writing scripts that support social emotional wellness, character development, nutrition and healthy living.
This then ignited her puppeteering and performing arts educational company Nettie, Nana and Friends, LLC. This profit based organization has created a way to engage with children of all ages while simultaneously educating them on vital subjects such as substance abuse prevention, physical and Earth sciences, multicultural awareness aligned with biblical principles.
With her daughter Destiny by her side, they aim to connect education with entertainment to bring adolescent learners into an explosive and imaginative world that they will never forget! Nettie, Nana and Friends, LLC intends to secure contracts as well as provide special free programs online to educate young spectators through interactive and explosive performances. Additionally, We were in December's 2023 issue of NJEA REVIEW MAGAZINE and Featured in a LIVE radio interview on New Jersey 101.5
They will also provide interactive performances at schools, daycare centers, children’s hospitals, birthday parties, libraries, museums and special events. All scripts are done by way of immense research which in turn sets students up with tools for success. Established in October 2020, Nettie, Nana and Friends, LLC is preparing to fully launch their services in June 2021. Be sure to follow the journey as they expand through live performances, children’s books, mentoring and training others through the art of puppetry.
The spark of Nettie, Nana and Friends, LLC has allowed former students to become engaged and take on several roles as puppet characters. These students have also been an integral part of developing the company as they’ve collaborated to write songs used in the performances. Nettie, Nana and Friends, LLC is designed to be a fun, exhilarating and participation based platform full of live musical entertainment, education and creative storytelling through puppetry!
Destiny Powell
Ronnette’s daughter/co-author/business partner
Destiny Powell is a seventh-grade honor student who loves to express herself through performing arts and writing.
Her parents David and Ronnette, work together to cultivate her aspirations. Creativity flows through this dynamic duo’s innovative books and puppeteering and performing arts company!